Thursday, April 28, 2011


***Thank you Ms. Mills for the yummy breakfast!!***

Students need a hat they are allowed to decorate by next Wed.  There are some foam visors for $1 at Michael's! :)

Field Trip Permission slip and money needs to be turned in ASAP! :)

School Carnival is TOMORROW night!! Hope to see you there! I've looked at the auction baskets...they look like fun stuff!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


****Thank you Mrs. Judy for the yummy breakfast to help us get ready for CATS today!****

WOW! What a day!! We began testing as normal...but had to quickly take the booklets up and get into Tornado Mode. The kids were BEYOND amazing during this.  I am SUCH a proud teacher!!! They had to move fast and stay quiet in an uncomfortable position for almost 2 1/2 hours...and they did it wonderfully!!! That's really hard to do!! :)

So, they were rewarded with a movie, because, believe me, not all students acted the way our class did!!

We will resume with testing tomorrow morning and complete what we missed today and complete what was on schedule for tomorrow.

We worked on the regions of KY today and began learning about what makes each region special.

FYI: In Wednesday Folders - mid-terms

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Another day of CATS testing!

****Thank you Ms. Rehm for the great breakfast this morning!****

Today we reviewed decimals and division with a game called Decimal Dare.  The kids brought home the cards to play with you!

We also reviewed moon phases.

Students had health with Ms. Timaji.


Monday, April 25, 2011


We began State Testing today!

**** Thank you Mrs. Long for a wonderful breakfast this morning!! ****

Today we reviewed Moon Phases and reviewed double digit multiplication and 3 digit division.

There will not be any HW this week due to testing.  Your child can still read, though!! :)

*Don't forget our Field Trip on May 11th.  Also, please read with your child The Black Stallion so they can prepare for the AR test on May 10th!

Have a good night,

Friday, April 22, 2011



*I apologize for not keeping my grade book in I.C. updated as usual since we've been back from Spring Break.  With last planning/specials period, it seems we always have the programs, concerts, performances, and meetings during this time and honestly, I have had about a half-time planning once in the past 2 weeks! It's been nuts!! I also haven't been able to stay after school much either.  I WILL have grades updated by Monday evening as I will be working on them after school on Monday.
Thanks for understanding...I'd certainly rather be teaching our kids during the day and not sitting in front of the computer during learning time! :)

*CATS begins MONDAY!!! We had a great (and funny!) celebration today to pump the kids up.  Please make sure your child goes to bed at a decent time Sunday night and serve them a healthy breakfast Monday morning.  ALSO, tell your kid how proud you are and how you KNOW they can do this!! :)

*Field Trip money for the May 11th trip is due anytime.  Please have it in by Wednesday.  The Horse Park is only allowing 2 adults per classroom besides the teacher.  I have already had 2 parents request to come.  Thanks.

*There will be NO Homework AT ALL next week due to CATS testing.

****IMPORTANT**** By law, I am NOT allowed to write/talk/etc. anything about CATS testing.  Therefor, I will not be blogging that 'your kids did great' or anything like that because I have no idea if they did or not! {I can't read or see any part of the test}  :)  So, blogging will be short and I will just tell you about what we did the rest of the day!  If you want a reminder of what test we are taking each day, please look at your testing sheet you received in the latest Wed. folder from Mrs. Moses or contact her.  I know it seems silly...but believe me...people take this seriously!! :) :)

Have a wonderful Easter Weekend and enjoy Good Friday!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Chick-Fil-A Night is tonight at the Turfland Mall Center. Hope to see you there! Please try and bring your pink slip so GSE can get a % of the sales!
TOMORROW is the last day to donate for our class basket for the Carnival auction!! Any amount donated is helpful or any items (like Lego's, etc.) is appreciated as well! BIG thanks to Ms. Long for working so hard on our basket and class gift!

Great Job Orchestra Kids - way to go Julia and Bailey! :)

Math HW:
Students have individualized HW in Math.  If your child sees Ms. Trahan for individual groups he will not have HW tonight.

Have a great night,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


From Mrs. Wagoner:

Students are to return their music test signed by a parent. It was due April 11. Could you please remind them? Those who haven’t turned it in are Kaitlynn, William, Julia, Branden, Bailey, Aaron, Haley and Miranda. Not turning in the test will damage their music grade.

From Ms. Long about Carnival Basket:
Quick reminder: Donations for our themed basked “Future Builders of America,” are due this Friday, April 22. If you do send in an item, please write down the retail price on a piece of paper and tape it to the item. This information is needed to itemize the basket contents and to estimate the total worth of the basket for the auction. If you choose to send in cash, it will be added to the $100 in Walmart donations to purchase final items to complete the basket. If you prefer to send in a check, please make it payable to Amanda Long. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Mandy Long (, day phone: 859-323-0521, evening phone: 859-223-9448). Thank you in advance for your help.

Black Stallion Field Trip Permission Forms can be turned in any day! :)

Wednesday Folders will be coming home today.

HW: 2 sheets of review HW

differentiated compare/contrast sheet

No Science or Writing HW

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Quick reminder:  Donations for our themed basked “Future Builders of America,” are due this Friday, April 22.  If you do send in an item, please write down the retail price on a piece of paper and tape it to the item.  This information is needed to itemize the basket contents and to estimate the total worth of the basket for the auction.  If you choose to send in cash, it will be added to the $100 in Walmart donations to purchase final items to complete the basket.  If you prefer to send in a check, please make it payable to Amanda Long.   If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Mandy Long (, day phone: 859-323-0521, evening phone: 859-223-9448).   Thank you in advance for your help.

*Coming home today is the book, Black Stallion with an informational sheet.  Please read with your child ~ this is a great opportinity! :)

Today we worked on input/output functions.  We also worked on double digit multiplication and division.  Students were to have a homework sheet but it was not copied in time of they just have their Mon-Fri packet for HW! :)

Today we focused on opinion and facts.  We reviewed this skill in several different ways, but I think the best way was our 3 facts and 1 opinion game!
HW: differentiated HW sheets on this skill
Today we finished up presenting our review posters! The students did a great job and their quiz questions were very good! :)
No Writing Today

Monday, April 18, 2011


CATS testing begins next Monday
5th Grade is selling eggs for their Field Trip in the front hallway
Today we worked more with variables in number sentences.  We played a few games on the smartboard that you could play at home, too! Some of them were hard for the students - so if they practice tonight they can get extra credit! The sites are below.  We also learned about input/output functions and to find the rules.  Kids did great with this...if they knew their facts!
HW:  front/back worksheet, Mon-Fri Packet - Games G6 and H1

Today we reviewed almost all of our sub-groups of reading for the CATS test.  We reviewed by playing a Jeopardy game.  Most students did a great job with this.  We will be reviewing the items the students did not get as well as others.

We began presenting our review posters and quizzes.  Students who presented did a great job!

Writing: We had Health today with Ms. Timaji.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


CATS breakfast letters went home yesterday! Please send in if you are available to help! :)

*We did not have Reading today due to Mrs. Maldonado's class testing in MAP.

Today we worked on our review science projects and will be presenting them tomorrow! They look really good! :)  The kids have done a wonderful job working in pairs.

We also got to use our extra time together to get a little more geometry in.  We learned about similar and congruent figures.  Ask your child about them tonight! They also brought home some shapes to teach you with! :)

Math: Today we finished our coordinate grids lesson.  Students did a great job on the exit slip.  We then started learning about variable in number sentences.  The kids were loving this today, actually! :)  They enjoyed making up different symbols to mean numbers.
HW: 5 problems (with an example as one) on variables in number sentences, due tomorrow, Mon.-Fri. Packet due tomorrow

Writing:  We began brainstorming for our opinion piece.  The students thought it was weird to write a piece without researching information! ha! We hope to begin writing them on Monday.

Have a good night,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Wednesday Folders
CATS breakfast schedule ~ if you can help that would be great!
CATS testing schedule included.  I will NOT be able to write/blog about the tests the kids take {it's a rule for liability reasons for me!}, so PLEASE keep this brochure to hang on to so you know when/what your child is being tested on. 

This morning we had our Spring MAP Reading test.  A lot of the kids did wonderfully! Most children gained, and if not, their score stayed pretty high! The score sheet is coming home tonight for you to look at and sign.  I will then let them bring it home to stay, but I want it signed to make sure they showed it to you!

*We did not switch for Math today because of my class MAP test.  Tomorrow we will not switch for Reading because of Mrs. Maldonado's MAP test.

Today we continued our review of reading for details.  Students used kcct-like questions to play a game.  Then they had a few minutes to read from their Lit. Books.
No HW {unless they need to finish the quiz}

Today we continued with our review over what we've learned so far this year! The review is very helpful for the kids! :)

DEAR time and AR points.  Students received their points from the last 9 weeks as well as the new 9 week goal.

Have a good night,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Short Post due to Faculty Meeting and a busy day! :)

math Mon-Fri packet and coordinate points HW

Monday, April 11, 2011


Welcome Back! It was great to see the kids today and their sun-burned cheeks! :)  We shared SB stories and it sounds like everyone had a relaxing week off! :)

CATS test is in 2 weeks
MAP test - we have to take one test before CATS {BOOOO!!!!}.  This will be on Wednesday.  Please encourage your child to do his/her best!!!
School Carnival is April 29th. Please contact the PTA about signing up for our booth! :)
Today we began our last new unit - Algebraic Thinking.  We started off with coordinate grids.  We played the games below to help up learn the x and y axis.  Next students played "Sunken Ships" to practice.  Lastly, students took their exit slip outside because it was sooo hot in our room! :)  Most students did a great job, but we will continue to work on this tomorrow.
Math Website: click on coordinate grids - there are 3 games to play
HW: Mon.-Fri. Packet, due Friday

Today we began our reviewing of skills for the CATS test.  We worked on sequencing and comprehension with an article.  We worked together on the multiple choice, reminding the kids to look back in the text to find their answers.  Then students worked really hard on answering the ORQ. Some kids are still not finished! We will be having a contest for the best one tomorrow!

Science: Today we had Health

Writing: Students wrote about their Spring Break and we shared with the class.

Have a good night,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

WOW!!!!!! The pot-luck was amazing!!!! It was so much fun and there was so much food! Thank you all SO much!!!! :)  I meant to take a picture but I got too overwhelmed with making sure kids used their forks and not fingers to get everything that I forgot! ha!  I REALLY appreciate all the effort and hard work you put in to making this lunch special for the kids.  They deserved it and were so excited!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

For Math today we played a fun game called "Quick Draw".  Ask your child to play with you over Spring Break! We played with geometry angles and lines.  We also went on a scavenger hunt after learning how to use protractors to find the 3 types of angles.

In Social Studies we went on a virtual field trip to Ft. Harrodsburg.  We got to use the new 4th grade complex laptops! It was neat living through the life of the pioneers.  After reading about each of their jobs, students picked one job to have and then wrote a diary entry about "A Day in the Life of a ____".  The diary entry's are neat! :)

We also had our 4th grade Awards program!! Way to go, kids!
Lastly, we ended the regular day with a surprise from me... Ask your child about it! :)

Students did a great job in PE (with sub, Mrs. Yeary! yay!) and we cleaned up the room for Spring Break.

Have a wonderful and fun Spring Break!!! :)