Friday, January 31, 2014



(had to change to accomodate new building rooms, etc)

Monday - Music (in portable)

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - PE (inside but not in gym, in music room)

Thursday - Art

Friday - Spanish

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


GSE Showcase Night - Feb. 27 from 5-6:30! Make sure to place it on your calendar! More to come!
*I will be out tomorrow. Mrs. Yeary will be my sub. There will be NO blog, but check your child's planner for behavior and HW (there will be Math HW for sure!)

Practice for the class Spelling Bee for tomorrow
Reading Packet - due Friday
Practice Mult. Facts if quiz wasn't passed
Read 20 minutes

Have a great night! Ask your child what his/her favorite part of the day was! Also, ask them who was found guilty in our Sound Trial!! (they were the judges!)

Monday, January 27, 2014


Hi All! Or whoever is left reading this still! THANK YOU :)

We are hopefully back to normal! :) :)

*Multiplication round 2 test - Tuesday (if your child didn't pass the first one)
*New Book Challenge Books were given out today. Check with your child which book he/she has committed to read. The Round 2 Due Date is Feb. 24
*Reading Packet for week - due Friday
*Class Spelling Bee - Thursday     Word list given today

math sheet on fractions
begin reading packet
finish math from morning work (if needed)
define the following words: eject, emit, erupt, exhale

Outcomes for the Week:
Math: I can explain why fractions are equivalent. I can explain how to create equivalent fractions.
Reading: I can identify and explain first hand and second hand accounts.
Writing: I can create a scientific fiction story. I can use strong verbs in my writing.
Science: I can explain how sound travels.
SS: I can explain why KY became it's own state.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Here's to our first FULL week of 2014! :)

Learning Outcomes:
Math: I can compare two fractions with different numerators and denominators using <,>,=.
Reading: I can interpret information through visuals in a text.
Writing: I can identify and interpret science fiction genre in writing/reading.
SS: I can identify 2 facts about KY's government.
Science: I can explain reflection, refraction, and absorption.

*Reading test is THURSDAY
*Multiplication Facts Quiz TOMORROW
*Report Cards come home THURSDAY

HW for tonight:
Individualized READING PACKET due Friday
Math fractions page - individualized

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hi Parents!  Welcome back to HOPEFULLY normal school days again!

We did get a lot done in a little bit of time today! :)

A few important points I wanted to make sure you read -
1. Science Fair Boards are due FRIDAY, but kids can bring them in TOMORROW to practice presenting.
2. Our newest and FUN Book Challenge is up and running! The bracket will be sent home tomorrow and instructions. It's going to be SO AWESOME the other 4th grade teachers want to jump on board, too! Ask your child about it! I WILL need some help from you taking your child to the Public Library to check out some books...but your kids are so EXCITED about it!!
3. Friday we will have our KY Regions test. Students completed their study guide today and have it to practice.

Have a great night! :)

Mrs. Burton