Monday, October 28, 2013


*Red Ribbon Week:
Tomorrow is HAT DAY!

*Character Day is THURSDAY. Students will be doing this in leui of their Literacy Letter for this week.  It will be due on Thursday so they won't have Thursday night HW. :)  Students have a sheet to fill out about a book they really liked.  They will write a summary on this book and are able to dress like a main character on Thursday for school.  Nothing scary, please. :)

*We need flashlights to help make our fluency time more engaging! We will return them on Friday, please!

*Today we talked a lot about the level of expectation I need to see from ALL students! So, this week on their behavior charts (located in yellow portion of daily planner) they are writing down which level they were on due to their Intentional Learner Level.  Ask your child about it!

Learning Outcomes for the Week:
Math: I can solve multiplication and division word problems by using a strategy (draw a picture).
Literacy: I can determine the theme in a fiction text.  I can read with good fluency on grade level.  I can draft  a book review.
Science: I can determine fast and slow changes. I can explain weathering.
SS: I can describe landforms of the US regions.

Sight Words:
plane, system, behind, ran, round
sub-, under-

Questions to Ask Your Kids this week:
What is Math Workshop and how are you 'piloting' this for the school?
How was Jot-Thoughts used?
What are Kagan Buckets?

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