Friday, September 28, 2012


*Please get those conference forms to me on Monday so I can start scheduling them!
*We have pumpkins! Thanks Mrs. Andrews! - We are going to be doing a learning activity/craft with these on Friday.  I'd love a few volunteers to help cut the mini pumpkins! It would be around 8:10 on FRIDAY. Just let me know if you can help!
*PTA Fitness Day is next WEDNESDAY! More to come!! It is going to be GREAT!
*PTA - please join if you haven't!! I have!! They do so much!
*I will NOT be here on Monday.  I will have Mrs. Yeary as my sub, so there won't be a blog post.  My sweet baby turns 1 on Saturday!!! So I will be taking her to get her shots and check up on Monday!

Ms. Wilham had her second Solo Teaching day today and it went great! I was able to get in grades to IC while she taught! Thank you!

Here's what the kids worked on for Review Friday:

Math Centers:
Students rotated between centers that worked on - factors and multiples, long addition and subtraction, and multiplication.  Some students have grades in IC for the recent math test.  Others do not because they will be pulled this upcoming week to go over some missed concepts and have a chance to re-do parts of the test.

Reading- Current Events/Twitter Reading Response:
Students read 4 different articles on science related material, current events, and interesting ideas in their leveled small groups.  Then they responded to specific questions on our classroom twitter board.

Multiplication Folders:
Students created a fun mult. folder that should help with memorizing their facts! Take a look at it tonight!

Guidance with Mrs. Moses:
Today students learned more about bullying.  After the unit we did on this and Mrs. Moses' classes, we should have the nicest kids around!!! ;)

Book Buddies with our 1st graders!  Kids did a great job!

Reading Test:
We decided to work on this test as a whole class (some were in a small group) to make sure we all understood and had the same expectations.  The class all did well with helping and participating in creating an answer with our inference and details quiz.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


We won the Chik Fil A party! yay! We will get to have a party with chicken trays on Oct. 5th!

We worked on some hard texts today! We used our standards to answer questions in small groups on large paper! Check out the pics!

Students also worked in their lit. groups today and worked on inferencing and using details to support inferences.
Vocab HW:
SAT: write sentences with coordinating pictures
WW: complete D
Ant.: none :)

We completed our complete sentences with subject and predicates.  Students worked on using these sentences by writing compliments on hallway work from other students.  We had all but 6 sticky's get to stay up because they were correct!

We completed our math test.

Students completed The Lorax environment unit.

We will be back to regular SS next week!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


*No Wed. folders today, will have them for you tomorrow! Sorry!
*Will NOT be able to accept picture money after today!
*PLEASE turn in the conference forms!

We continued working on drawing conclusions using our inferences from non fiction text and fiction text.  Students worked well with this and their leveled assignments.  We also worked on vocabulary in small groups.  Lastly, we worked on decoding unknown words during our lit. groups.
HW: complete vocab. sheet

For writing we played a review activity on our desks with expos for subject and predicate.  Students did well with this. We also took a quick quiz.

Students played a review game on items from the test they will be taking tomorrow.  The challenge group worked on their review guide.
HW: study for test!

Students explained why human interactions can be harmful to the environment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Picture Money is DUE TOMORROW! We cannot take late orders - so please get it in tomorrow!
Please have your child turn in the conference form! They received these on Friday. If you need another one please email me!
Anyone know where small pumpkins are? I haven't seen them out but need them for a project next Friday!

Today in reading we continued working on drawing conclusions from inferencing with non fiction.  Students were placed in tiered groups to work on their reading levels with this skill.  We also took time out for our word study vocab. words and practiced using them in a sentence.  Lastly, we read in our Lit. groups and worked on fluency and expressions while decoding unknown words.
NO HW for KY Kids Day!

Today we did a KY Kids Day activity where we did a few prompts and then worked on our new welcoming mat for our classroom. 
NO HW for KY Kids Day!

Students worked on completing their study guide for the test on Thursday.  Then they practiced for the test by doing sample questions in small groups.  The Challenge group worked on order of operations with larger digit numbers.
NO HW for KY Kids Day!

No SS this week. Mrs. Maldonado needs extra time to get in a unit using the movie, The Lorax. We will catch up next week!

Students participated in activities to learn about deforestation and why it is harmful to the environment.
No HW for KY Kids Day!

Have a great night,
Mrs. Burton

Friday, September 21, 2012


Literacy Letter Date:Oct. 9th
Tuesday is KY Kids Day and PJ Day!
Conference Forms were sent home today! Please fill out and have your child return on Monday!

Review Friday:

Math Groups: Students did a great job rotating to different centers with an adult at each. They worked on a variety of concepts. Please see your child's math slip for more information!

Vocab.: Students took their vocab. tests today. New words will be coming home next week and we will have a few switches of kids in groups.

Reading Centers: Students worked on context clues and multiple meaning words in small leveled groups. They did a great job!

Twitter Responses: We read our 4 current events articles and did reading responses on our Twitter board. They will be up until next Friday! Come check them out!

Health: Students had health today with Mrs. Embry. it is every other Friday.

Class Meeting:  Today for our class meeting we actually talked about our new student coming next week! She speaks no English so we discussed ways we could help her make new friends, feel comfortable, and how we can help her learn each day.  Students helped me label items in our classroom with words.  The students were very kind in their words today so I know our class will help her with the new transition.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


*Chik Fil A Chow Night is TONIGHT!! Please come to support our school! We get money from this!! Also...the class with the most participants gets a FREE class party! Woo! We want to win!!! :)
*Vocab. tests are TOMORROW!
*Picture money is due Sept. 26th!

We used inferencing to help us draw conclusions in informational texts.  We worked in small groups to do so and used leveled texts.  Students also worked on fluency and expression during lit. circles.  Lastly, we spent time in our word study groups on vocab. words.
HW: vocab. test TOMORROW!

We continued to review subject and predicates of a sentence.  We also worked on knowing the difference of their, they're, and there and practicing with sentences.  The students ended writing letters to Ms. Wilham displaying the correct uses of the words.

Today we spent time on word problems involving factors and multiples.  Students know each but are getting a little mixed up on deciding which answer the question is wanting.  Students worked in small groups with 3 adults and got to play a multiples game after answering 3 questions correctly.

Today we completed our "If I Were the President" poems and activities.  They looked so cute! This was a great segway into our upcoming unit on Government! You can view your child's work in our hallway!

See ya at Chik Fil A TONIGHT! 5-7 Turfland Mall location

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


*Tuesday Sept. 25th is KY Kids’ Day - kids get to wear their PJ's to school!!
*Literacy Letters were DUE TODAY! If your child did not turn one in I have written it in the planner. They are due tomorrow for partial credit.  This is a 100% assignment for the Reading grade.  The NEXT Literacy Letter is DUE Oct. 9th.

WOO! Congrats to:
for saying the Preamble that they MEMORIZED! great job!

We had a practice Lockdown today. The kids did a wonderful job! I was really impressed!!

Today Ms. Wilham taught all day as her "Solo Day". She did a great job with the kids! I'll let her write to you what they learned today and any HW the students have...

Today we made inferences with fiction texts.  Students worked in leveled pairs to solve mysteries using clues.  For vocab. today students worked in groups finding the right word/sentence and then creating more sentences for their words.  We did not have Lit. cirlces due to the Lockdown!

Today we introduced subjects and predicates.  Students worked in small groups/pairs on an activity where they determined the subject and predicate of sentences.

For Math today students worked with Factors and Multiples in centers.  Students worked in groups to complete the task at each center.  Students worked on the same idea but had different tasks/numbers to complete based on their abilities.

We learned about the role of the president.  Students created banners to help explain how a citizen becomes president and a little about their jobs.  Students read an informational article to find the major ideas of the president's description.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday - Quick Post

Quick Post today!

**Literacy Letters are DUE TOMORROW! I've already had 3 people turn it in!! Remember, I am NOT expecting the child to have read an entire book, I am thinking most letters in a 2 week range will be about the same book! :)

SAT group: make flash cards (they have 3x5 note cards)
WW group: complete 2D
Syn. group: complete rest of handout from today

Math - 1 problem they are to do IN FRONT of you to show off what they learned today - students have different sets of numbers, but they should each only have 1 problem to complete

**Please turn in picture money ASAP!
**Please return UK slip signed for Ms. Wilham ASAP!!

**If you have time, go through your child's planner and ask about each item written down to see if they can remember/tell you what activities we did to reach our learning outcomes today!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Due back on the 26th! There will be no late orders taken. Please write checks to Strawbridge.
*Literacy Letters due WEDNESDAY (I've provided a sheet that helps with organization that will be in their planners today!)
*Parents please sign the UK letter from Ms. Wilham and send it back with them tomorrow!
**Extra Credit: I offered (at this time) an xtra credit opp. in Math class.  The students who wanted it have a packet to practice multiplication facts that will be due by FRIDAY!!! (please let me know if you want your child to have it and they didn't come home with it!) :) 
Today we began learning about inferencing in fiction texts.  Students were very good at picking out details to complete their inference.  We got into leveled groups to work on different fiction short prompts to decide what were the clues the author made, what background knowledge did we have, and how did we make our inference.  Students also practiced spelling their vocab. words by doing 'creative writing' in word study.  We did not get to our text groups (lit. circles) today. 
HW: finish spelling vocab. words (if not finished in class), work on literacy letter (use organizer to help - due Wed.)

We finished up our The Magic of a Moment PTA pieces.  These are really good!

We continued to work on multiples and factors.  Some groups worked on word problems involving multiples, another group worked on sentence shorts with multiples, and the group with me worked on finding common and greatest common multiples.
HW: differentiated practice sheets that is similar to in-class work
**HW: HW is always meant to be a practice! If HW begins to become a stress or fight between you and the child or results in tears, please let me know! It may mean they are needing more assistance in the classroom! :)

SS: Happy Constitution Day! :)
We celebrated the Constitution by watching School House Rock's We the People and then diving into the Constitution in small groups to learn what each section means.  We also learned a Preamble to the Constitution song. If kids can memorize by Wed., they get extra credit! The words are on the bookmarks they received! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday {& Thursday!}

Sorry for not posting yesterday! Time got away from me! :)

Review Friday-

We had a great day today!

Math Groups:
Students rotated to 5 different groups almost all led by an adult.  Students worked on a variety of skills to challenge where they are or to support and help what they are struggling with.  Please take a look at your child's Math Slip in their planner to see what we worked on! The kids did so well with this...per usual! :)

Writing/The Magic of a Moment:
We began working on this writing prompt for the PTA writing contest.  The kids did AWESOME! We all wrote (me too!) silently in our writer's notebooks for an uninterrupted time limit.  Then got in groups to share and help each other make our short pieces even better! We will continue these on Monday.

Reading/Current Events:
We will be reading current event non fiction articles each Friday to support our ELA standards as well as help with our informational reading!  Today I had 4 different short articles on 2 things I thought the kids would enjoy, 1 current news event, and an event that had to do with the science standard kids are learning.  The students were split into 3 groups and had a teacher led discussion group.  The kids really did well with this discussion and use of their reading/comprehension standards.  THEN we made a Twitter board to display our reading responses! So much more fun than writing those on paper! ha! The kids had a blast with this! I saw kids who don't like to write begging to write more!! Yay!  Here's a pic of our Twitter board...we will change this weekly to match our current event articles.
Book Buddies:
We read with our 1st grade buddies! It was great!

Class Meeting/Opening Bookworm Cafe:
During our class meeting we focused on problem solving.  We discussed several reasons why kids feel upset, lash out, or maybe shut down in the classroom (work is too hard, not understanding, something going on at home).  Then we all problem solved how we can be a community of friends in our room to help out a friend in need.  The responses from the kids were just wonderful.  I got some chills hearing some kids talk.  It was so neat to see these kids really beginning to see each other as a community in our classroom!
I also finally opened up my classroom library!  The books are all organized by Lexile levels and genre.  Students got their current Lexile level on a note card (from MAP) and will be able to check out books to read.  Students are allowed to take books home to read, but they must return them each day to the classroom.  We will have a check-out system in my room that will be very similar to the 'old school public library' system! :)  All of my books either have Giles (my maiden name) or Burton written on them with the Lexile level on the back or inside back of the book.
*as always, I am happy to take any chapter books off your hands if you have an lying around!!!

Reading/Writing/Current Event Wrap Up:
We are continuing to slowly learn about our presidential candidates on a very un-biased platform.  Students today read about their stance on education (the articles are from Time For Kids).  Students then took to our Graffiti board to write about their opinions or stances after reading the articles.  It was really cool to see what their views were! Come take a look at our board! It will be hung up in our classroom!

**Thanks so much for taking the time to read our classroom blog! If you remember, make a star on Monday's date for the planner so I will know who all it is reaching!! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Book Fair going on this week!
Literacy Letter due NEXT Wed.

Today we took the MAP math test, so we did not have reading and writing.  I have all the scores from the MAP reading test and will be sending home that information to you soon.  With this information, I am able to begin pulling more focused groups throughout the day!

In math we continued working on factors, prime, and composite.  Some groups worked on multiples.
HW: only 1 group of kids have HW, if you are unaware if your child does, please check the planner

In SS we reviewed for the test as well as reviewed longitude and latitude with water balloons! Thanks Mrs. Crockett for sending those in! :)  The kids did really well and we had fun, too!

**I forgot about Wed. folders...SORRY! We will send those home tomorrow with GRADED papers inside, too.

Have a good night,
Mrs. Burton

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Math individualized homework - 1 sheet

Sorry for the short post again!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Monday!

Today's post will be super short! I have a committee meeting at 3:00 and we have just been super busy today! :) Sorry!


Math: find the common factors of 12 and 15 (I think?! They have it written in their planners and my board is now erased!).  They can do this on their planner.  The goal is to have your child 'show you' what they learned today. 

Writing:  several students did NOT have their final copy of the opinion piece that was due on Friday... it is HW tonight if your child did not have theirs (note written in planner)

**Still collecting bottle tops for a math lesson, please!**

**Book Fair is this week -
Muffins for Mom/Doughnuts for Dads is on WEDNESDAY

Friday, September 7, 2012


We had a crazy busy day today!! The kids worked so hard, but somehow we did not get to everything!! :)

Our Morning:
Students took their vocab/word study tests.  They will be graded today and will get a new list of words next week for the next 2 weeks.

We also worked in small groups for math centers.  We made it to 4 out of 5 of the centers! Just not enough time!! :)  Kids did great and they have a paper coming home to you today to let you know what their objective was and what they focused on.

We also had a Lockdown drill, which the kids did a wonderful job with! We would be safe!

Students also video taped their Anti-Bully videos! Mrs. Moses (counselor) will be using OUR videos for all of the guidance classes on bullying! We are so excited! We used our knowledge from the articles we read and opinions we gained to create the videos! I was really impressed! We also turned in our opinion pieces and are looking forward to our next writing piece. 

With the end of our bullying unit with our ELA standards, we used this for an opportunity to discuss ways WE are going to help with anti-bullying acts during our weekly Class Meetings.  Students had great discussions! We created a 'change' bag and put our changes inside.  Take a look in the hallway to see how your child will be the change!!!

Lastly, students had book buddies this morning instead of the afternoon. They did a great job reading with their 1st grade buddy. 

After Lunch Bunch and Specials, students had Health class with Mrs. Embry. 
We also had Guidance class with Mrs. Moses this afternoon.

We ended the afternoon with sharing our videos and sharing our Opinion Pieces. **Update - I didn't get to collect the pieces! I will Monday!

**We did not get to any of our electoral articles today! Boo! ALL things related to the election will be un-biased.  We will begin 'meeting' the presidential candidates through our next series of informational text.  I'm looking forward to helping the kids understand more wordly events with this type of reading!

Have a wonderful weekend!
 My little family will be watching my Dad get dunked in the dunking booth at the Whitaker Bank Family Picnic Saturday! ha! I hope it's warm! :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bottle Caps!

Hi! I am collecting bottle caps for something in class! If you would be able to save me any, that would be helpful! I will be collecting for the rest of the month!

*pop caps
*water bottle caps
*Gatorade caps

Mrs. Burton


Lunch Bunch is tomorrow! Please send your child with a G rated movie for us to watch if you have one!
MAP Reading testing: we are still not finished! I will send home scores once we are!
Thanks to my student teacher, I am able to really pull small groups with the intent to get to know where they are and work on skills that will challenge them or help them! It has been great, and I know kids are really enjoying more of the one on one time, too!

We worked on finding the main idea and details in our plays.  Students did a great job with this and we are ready to move on to informational reading next week!  Students also worked in small groups with Ms. Wilham and myself on their word study/vocab. words. Students WILL be taking their REAL test tomorrow.  Kids need to be able to use the word correctly in a sentence and spell the word correctly.  We have halted our text groups for now until I receive all the new scores from MAP to correctly place them in text groups! I am hoping (fingers crossed!!) that this will be by Wednesday of next week!
reading for Literacy Letter, study for vocab. test

We worked on peer editing and kids did GREAT! We had a short mini lesson on this taught by our student teacher.  Students then tried it out and they worked really well together. I am so glad!  Our opinion pieces will be complete tomorrow and we will be making our anti-bullying videos for Mrs. Moses to use during her Guidance classes!
complete your final draft of the opinion piece

Students worked on estimation in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.  I worked with small groups on a variety of skills including: rounding with decimals, rounding, estimation with large numbers, etc. 
*Students work on different levels and different skills.  This is to meet the needs of EACH and every student and help them succeed!! :)  Some of my kids have been wondering why their work is not the same as their neighbor...I've spoken with the class to tell them that this is a GOOD thing! We all need help or challenges in different areas and it's my job to know about it - not theirs to know about others!! :) 
HW: differentiated HW - there are 4 different sheets, but your child will only have 1 to complete (it will be on rounding/estimation)

Today we learned about longitude and latitude.  We used the game above to help us! If you are able to let your child play this game at home, please write me a little note in the planner and I will give him/her extra credit for SS!

**Please place a star next to your initials in the planner so that I can monitor our blog readers! Thanks!! :)

Have a wonderful night,
Mrs. Burton

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Wednesday Folders are coming home today! Thanks Ms. Andrews for stuffing those for us!!
*Look at the PTA day flyer - it looks so neat!
*Look at the Dad's Day flyer - I wish I could come to this! Looks cool!

**Literacy Letters - This will take place of daily reading logs.  There are many reasons for this, but as for now, this is the best option for nightly reading.  With logs, I feel that sometimes kids make those up (what?!?! :) ) and sometimes parents just sign it! :)  Also, kids are busy. I get that. Sometimes you have 30 minutes to read, some days you don't have any time to read! So I don't want reading to become a burden and it has to be done for 20 minutes a night.  So, this way, hopefully, reading will become a little more enjoyable in the evenings.  Your child will write me a little letter every 2 weeks (I will make the new due date each time with the kids!) to tell me about their reading and what skills they are using.  There is an EXAMPLE letter on the sheet they are bringing home. KEEP THIS for them, please! RETURN the bottom part only (after the star line) that you have seen this and so that your child knows you are expecting them to read a lot out of school!
DUE DATE: Sept. 19th

Today we took the MAP test for Reading! We did not have a normal reading/writing block because of this! Not many students finished, but when we finish, I will be sending home scores! Towards the end of MAP testing (reading, math, science) we will be having conferences so that I can explain more of what the numbers mean to you! Meanwhile, use the 4th Grade FAQ's I have on the right of my blog to read about MAP testing if you want.

Ms. Wilham taught a lesson with centers today and the kids loved it! They did a great job! She had differentiated centers ready for all the levels of learning on estimation and rounding.  Students used a lot of real-world learning in these centers and lots of different skill sets. Ask your child what their favorite center was! :)

SS: We took a minute to clean our room really really well. :)  We are starting to get sick and wanted to make sure we are taking the right precautions! :)  Thanks to those of you who were able to send in Clorox Wipes! We used those as they are the best we have at school to clean with!
Students also began learning about longitude and latitude.  We will go more in depth with this tomorrow!

Have a good hump day!
Mrs. Burton

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


**MAP Testing:
We will take our first round of MAP testing tomorrow! We will begin with Reading.  Please remind your child how important this is! It will show me where your child is currently at the beginning of the year, what he needs to work on, and on what levels he is on.  Today I met with each child individually to work on setting MAP goals.  I let the kids see the 'norm' score for beginning of the year MAP for 4th graders and they set their own goal.  For the Winter and Spring tests, I will be helping them make their own goal to achieve! :) 

*pictures were today - if your child was absent, we will have make-ups at a later date
*Please remember to check the behavior charts inside your child's binder each night.  Our goal is to have everyone on Good Day, Great Job, or Outstanding.  Also, if your child hasn't told you about HWC Mystery, ask them! :)
*Thanks to Ben for bringing in a G movie and popcorn for our PAW party today! We are now working on 20 PAWS towards our next class reward.

We are continuing with main idea and details.  This week we are focusing on the genre plays.  Students were split into 3 different groups to read a play on their levels and then discuss the main idea and details.  Students had a bit of trouble with retelling the play instead of telling the main idea.  Students also worked on their vocab. words with definitions in pairs.  No lit. circles today. We will be in our new groups on Thursday after we get our new lexile scores.

Writing was cut short due to pictures! We were able to complete our conclusion to our opinion piece.  Tomorrow and the rest of the week we will work on editing the pieces.

Today we took a pre-test for our new unit on estimating, rounding, factors, and multiples. After that we worked on rounding 4 digit numbers.  Mrs. Wilham took a small group and worked on rounding with multiplication and division.
HW: one group has a worksheet with estimating answers in mult. and division, one group has a paper with 3 rounding questions, and one group has a sheet with 2 rounding questions - the papers will be in the red folder

Today we reviewed the compass rose and took a quick quiz.  Next, we learned about all-purpose maps and how to read those.  Students did a good job with this!
**My class does have this as Homework!

**We ended SS early to continue the PAW party.  We started watching the movie during lunch in the room, and then watched the movie and ate popcorn during the last 15 minutes of school. :)

Have a good night,
Mrs. Burton