Friday, September 21, 2012


Literacy Letter Date:Oct. 9th
Tuesday is KY Kids Day and PJ Day!
Conference Forms were sent home today! Please fill out and have your child return on Monday!

Review Friday:

Math Groups: Students did a great job rotating to different centers with an adult at each. They worked on a variety of concepts. Please see your child's math slip for more information!

Vocab.: Students took their vocab. tests today. New words will be coming home next week and we will have a few switches of kids in groups.

Reading Centers: Students worked on context clues and multiple meaning words in small leveled groups. They did a great job!

Twitter Responses: We read our 4 current events articles and did reading responses on our Twitter board. They will be up until next Friday! Come check them out!

Health: Students had health today with Mrs. Embry. it is every other Friday.

Class Meeting:  Today for our class meeting we actually talked about our new student coming next week! She speaks no English so we discussed ways we could help her make new friends, feel comfortable, and how we can help her learn each day.  Students helped me label items in our classroom with words.  The students were very kind in their words today so I know our class will help her with the new transition.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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